
Download bbc weather
Download bbc weather

"Feels like" temperature, which takes into account wind strength "Chance of precipitation", giving you a heads up about rain, hail or snow Sign in to, or register, your BBC account to save locations across different devices Hourly data up to 14 days ahead (in UK locations and major international cities) At-a-glance forecasts, so you can make decisions quickly Now even easier to understand, with more locations and more hourly information. Wherever you are, and whatever your plans, you’re always prepared with the latest weather forecast from BBC Weather. It’s got all the usual weather app features, including hourly data up to 14 days ahead for UK locations and major international cities. Wherever you are in the country and whatever your plans, this simple app lets you get all the information you need at a glance. BBC Weather now displays location-based weather warnings, so you can be prepared for any bad weather conditions.īBC Weather app is available for free to download on iOS and Android devices.īBC Weather App is undoubtedly the most popular weather app in the UK. The forecast includes information about the current weather conditions, as well as the forecast for the next few hours and days.īBC Weather app now uses more advanced location technology to ensure that you are getting the most accurate weather forecast for your location. View sunrise and sunset times along with information on pollen and pollution information for the UK.īBC Weather app has a simple and clear design and is detailed with up-to-date information.Īudio Forecast feature allows you to listen to a short audio forecast for your home postcode. The app also predicts wind speed and covers a five-day forecast. Scroll sideways to see hourly weather conditions. Although it targets the UK, it can also work with international locations. The BBC Weather app has become one of the best weather apps for those who are living in or visiting the United Kingdom. Tap on each day to see the predominant weather for that day, along with the high and low, sunrise/sunset, wind speed, and direction.

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You also get the standard-issue ten-day forecast. You’ll see the weather at the moment along with today’s high and low.

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You also get precipitation forecasts, temperature information as well as weather warnings that can be personalised.īBC Weather Features: What we like about itīBC Weather app has gained a pollution readout, along with its UV and pollen counts. The at-a-glance forecasts help you make your plans quickly. You can see hourly forecasts thousands of locations around the globe. BBC Weather provides you the latest up-to-date weather forecasts that help you to go with the day’s plan adjusting to the weather.

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